About me

I recently read in ‘The conspiracy of paper’ by David Liss, that a novelist starts to tell their story from the very beginning, birth. A poet however starts in the midst of the action. I would not consider myself either one but I am even less likely to be a poet —> chronological order it is!

I was born and raised in Germany, spend a lot of time training for gymnastics competitions and, after I got my trainer license, teaching gymnastics to others. In my weekends I worked at a local cafe/restaurant which was owned by the nicest family, and my colleagues were so much fun!

When I started studying Mathematics and Sport Sciences at the Westfaelische Wilhelms University in Muenster, I continued working there part time, taught swimming, water gymnastics and other courses at the Stadtsportbund Muenster and I had a student job at a German bank, the Sparkassen Verband Westfalen Lippe where my then manager paved my career path that followed. I will be forever grateful.

After graduating with a Masters degree I moved to Amsterdam. I spend lots of time in the Netherlands when growing up and my great grandmother was Dutch, hence the decision to move countries. From 2014 until 2019 I worked as a Quantitative Analyst in Amsterdam, at a Clearing Bank. Clearing banks provide e.g. trade settlements and since Amsterdam is one of the trading capitals of the world and host to many trading firm headquarters, you can imagine, it was a super interesting job. I worked on the market risk model data in- and output and supported Market Risk Managers globally with their Risk Model needs. In the morning I would talk to Asia, then during the day to my European colleagues and before I went home I was in touch with the Americas. I really enjoyed it so much! At the Clearing Bank I started working with Tableau and had the great honour to speak at the 2018 Tableau Conference in London, which lead to me becoming a writer for Packt Publishing.

I published my first book on Tableau in 2019 and that same year I moved to Chicago to work in Risk Analytics, specifically for the US market. There I was responsible for Pre-Trade Risk, Market Risk, Credit Risk and Operational Risk Analytics. Chicago treated me very well. Next to work, I attended courses at the University of Chicago and those were among the best lectures I ever had. The docents were all from the business rather than full-time lecturers and they were so incredible knowledgable. I started working on Machine Learning and AI projects, reviewed books of other Packt authors and published my own, second title, in 2021.

In June 2022, still working with the same Clearing Bank, I got the chance to lead the Data team Asia Pacific, as their Regional Data Manager. With offices in Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore and access to so many different exchanges in the region, this is my biggest adventure yet.


To sum up, I really enjoy my work, analytics and meeting like-minded people or bringing them together. And I hope to do so by creating this platform.

.everything data & analytics